About Us Homely Hens
Welcome to our side of the blogging world. We’re just two besties writing about things we love and enjoy doing in our free time! Whether you’ve come to browse our soaps, get some gardening tips, or grab a recipe, we hope you’ll find everything you’re looking for. Get to know us a little bit before you go:

I’m Sam. I live in Northern Illinois and have two little girlies, a toddler and a tween, who I homeschool. There are just two of them but they keep me very busy! When I’m not doing the mom thing I enjoy crocheting, baking, gardening, canning, and making my own skincare and herbal remedies. I love staying home with my kids and being able to make and sell tallow products, write on our blog, and have business chats with my bestie.

This is Lisa! She’s my bestie and blogs on this site too. She lives in Texas and is a momma of four beautiful children, including two teenagers still at home that she homeschools. Lisa is a DIY lover and gardener. She runs a farmette with chickens, ducks, and rabbits. Lisa is a researcher who cares so deeply about whatever she is doing so it’s good to have her on your side. That’s why I keep her around! 😉
Lisa and I met through a company named Beachbody where we were both online coaches. We became fast friends and success partners, running mentor groups together and striving towards our goals. We transitioned from being coaches to opening our own small business called Virtual Success Partners. We created monthly group guides for Beachbody coaches with recipe books, daily motivational posts with graphics, social media advertising graphics, and more. We had a lot of fun doing this together but it wasn’t where our passions were.
Then, Homely Hens was born! We were toying around with names that included “home” because we knew so much of what we wanted to share about was centered around our homes, where we spend so much of our time. Homeschooling, homesteading, homemade, and homemaking. That’s when we came up with Homely Hens, we’re just a couple of hens, trying to keep our homes together. Maybe a little homely sometimes! 😆
We hope you enjoy reading and engaging with our blog and we hope you learn a thing or two. We’re always up for a chat so please reach out if you have questions or just want a buddy to share something with. Don’t forget to stop by our shop where you’ll find our homemade tallow products, including soaps, some of our recipe guides, and more.