The Best Companion Plants for Tomatoes
Knowing the Best Companion Plants for Tomatoes in your garden will greatly impact your yearly tomato harvest. Browse the list of my favorite companion plants and see which ones I plant next to my tomatoes every year. I haven’t seen more than one hornworm every year since I started planting my companion plants so if that’s not the push to…
How to Start Seeds Indoors in Zone 5: Tips, Timeline, and Best Plants
Learn when to Start Seeds Indoors in Zone 5 plus grab some tips and tricks along the way. If you’re new to gardening, this is a great place to start! Starting your seeds indoor can help combat the shorter growing season that we have in zone 5. Learn when to start some popular seeds to they are ready to be…
How to Make Your Own Seed Starting Mix
You have your seeds, you have planned your garden, and now it is time to get your Seed Starting Mix put together. I have had such a fun time starting seeds. There is something so gratifying about planting a seed and then watching it become a plant in just a few days. Creating your own seed starting mix is super…
How to Plant Turmeric In a Raised Bed or Container
Have you ever wanted to plant turmeric? There are so many amazing health benefits of turmeric but even more importantly, it makes your food taste delicious!! It makes such a great edition to add to your arsenal! When my sister started to suffer from chronic pain due to her auto-immune issues I began looking into all the different ways out…
Build this Easy Composting Bin Made of Hardware Cloth
Adding a composting bin is such an amazing asset to any garden or homestead. There are so many benefits. One of the biggest of course is to help with the garden. Compost helps you bring in natural nutrients to help enrich your soil. But there are so many other reasons. Compost help introduces microorganisms such as fungi and bacteria to…
Produce More and Save Money – Shop Your Zone
Have you ever been told to shop your zone? When I first heard this I was like what the heck is a zone!? haha But in the plant world zones are super important. They give you a great indication of what plants will thrive in your area depending on how far or close you are to the equator. I live…
Three Simple Steps Explaining How To Propagate Grapes
Propagating Grapes is such an easy way to start your own little vineyard. After visiting a local winery and learning all the basics from the masters I took everything I learned and tried it on my own. Haak Winery is right down the road from me. They, along with many other vineyards, open their doors to the public to let…
How to Start a Small Garden That Will Thrive
Starting a garden can seem really intimidating, especially if you’re a newbie (like me) and you don’t have a whole lot of space (also like me). I live in a small townhome with a teeny tiny backyard, but I wanted to have a garden for my daughter and me to learn and explore in. So, we built ourselves a small…
Plan Out Your Homestead With These Simple Steps
Starting a homestead has been a dream brewing for quite a while. Yet, it is a venture I am really just beginning to jump into. I have had so many ideas swirling around in my head. Chickens, gardens, bees, and more. Can there be more? ALWAYS! I have dabbled with growing small gardens, poured over books, and researched so many…