How Discovering Hidden Toxic Ingredients Led Me to Embrace Natural Soaps
Several years ago I started learning more about healthy living. This can mean a lot of different things depending on who you are. For me, it started with eating a little better to lose weight after having a baby (my first baby, who is 9 now 😭). As I was learning to look at labels I realized that there are…
My Scheduled C-Section Story-Thanks to My Breech Baby
This post contains affiliate links. This will not cost you anything but helps us to offset the cost of running the blog. We only share products we are using and are items we would recommend to a friend. Thank you for your support! Click ‘HERE’ for more info. First of all, I went into this pregnancy NOT wanting to have a C-Section,…
Review of GroVia All in One Newborn Cloth Diapers
We’ve been using the Newborn All-In-One Grovia Cloth Diapers for 6 weeks now and we love them! My daughter was born at 8lbs 14oz but by the time we got home she had lost almost a whole pound (yeah, we had a slight weight issue), so she wore them as a 7lb 14oz baby and is about 9lbs and is…
How to Work Self-Care in as a Homeschooling Mom
We’re finishing up our second week of homeschooling ever and some of the overwhelm is starting to set in. Between taking care of the house, working, keeping up with meal times, taking showers, prepping for schoolwork, and spending quality non-school time with our kiddos, there’s a lot on our plates moms! Don’t get me wrong, I am LOVING homeschooling so…
Fig Leaf Tea – It’s Healthy and it Tastes Amazing!
Fig leaf Tea is so amazing! When we moved into our house we had a Brown Turkey Fig Tree in our yard. I was so excited about the tasty little fruits that blessed us in the spring. But I had no idea how amazing the leaves were until a couple of years later when I was reading about how plants…