Discover 3 Amazing Tallow Products for Dry Winter Skin Relief
Tallow products have become super popular recently, and for good reason! They are so beneficial to our skin and I think the benefits need to be talked about more. Using Tallow for Dry Skin this winter (or anytime really) will be a game changer for you and I can’t wait! This post contains affiliate links. This will not cost you…
How To Make Bar Soap Last Longer: 4 Tips For Proper Storage And Usage to Save you Money
There are a few ways to make natural Bar Soap Last Longer between uses. Let’s face it, high-quality soap made with high-quality organic ingredients is pricey. You want to make it last as long as possible and get all those nutritious ingredients onto your skin, not down the drain. Check out these simple tips and tricks to lengthen the life…
Essential Oils For Tallow Soap: Unlock Their Luxurious Benefits And Uses
Essential Oils for Soap enhance the beneficial properties of the oils used and align with a more natural and holistic approach to skincare. We love to use essential oils for their luxurious aroma and other beneficial properties. Essential oils can play a big part in the healing and well-being of your skin. Discover some of our favorite oils to use…
Unlock the Incredible Benefits of Tallow for Soaps and Skincare
If you’re like me, you were a little weirded out when you first learned about Tallow in Soaps or maybe even tallow in general. You want me to put what on my hands and face? 😆 When I started learning about all its benefits, I quickly got used to the idea and started really appreciating the knowledge. If you struggle with dry…
How Discovering Hidden Toxic Ingredients Led Me to Embrace Natural Soaps
Several years ago I started learning more about healthy living. This can mean a lot of different things depending on who you are. For me, it started with eating a little better to lose weight after having a baby (my first baby, who is 9 now 😭). As I was learning to look at labels I realized that there are…
Why does Lye (sodium hydroxide) need to be in soap?
Why does Lye (sodium hydroxide) need to be in soap? This is a huge question I asked myself when I started looking into a more natural way of making soap. I read all the ingredients in the soaps and other products we were putting on our skin. I began to wonder what all the chemicals were for and how they…