The Best Companion Plants for Tomatoes
Knowing the Best Companion Plants for Tomatoes in your garden will greatly impact your yearly tomato harvest. Browse the list of my favorite companion plants and see which ones I plant next to my tomatoes every year. I haven’t seen more than one hornworm every year since I started planting my companion plants so if that’s not the push to start some companion plants for your tomatoes, I don’t know what is!

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Why Companion Planting Works Well with Tomatoes
Several plants go well next to tomatoes. Companion plants can enrich the soil, help deter pests, give the tomatoes flavor, help increase pollinators in the area, help tomatoes resist disease, and work as a ground covering to help control weeds. Not to mention flower companion plants are just pretty to look at! A full garden is a beautiful garden. Some of our favorite Seed Companies are listed here. If you are looking for seeds make sure to check them out and if you’re getting ready to start seeds indoors before the warm weather hits, make sure to check out our Seed Starting Tips.
How Companion Planting Naturally Helps with Bug Control
- Repel Bugs-some plants like marigolds, garlic, and onions have a scent that repels or is toxic to certain insects, effectively repelling them from the plants you want them to stay away from.
- Physical Barriers: Plants that are tall or plants that are ground-covering crops make a physical barrier against insects, protecting the plants
- Attracts Beneficial Insects: Some companion plants like basil, fennel, and dill attract insects that will eat harmful pests.

How to Get Rid of Hornworms on Tomatoes
We struggled with hornworms the first year I grew tomatoes. I think I only have 2 or 3 tomatoes plants and there were SO MANY hornworms. My bug-loving daughter wanted to keep them all, of course, so we ended up bringing a few into my classroom (I used to be a Montessori Lower Elementary Guide). It was a lot of fun to watch them go through their metamophesis and turn into beautiful moths. Alas, they did require a lot of tomato leaves to stay alive and I know they would have completely destroyed my plants if I would have left them there. So, how do you get rid of them?

I personally don’t like this method because I feel so bad 😩 but once you have them the best way to get rid of them is to pick them off your plants and either kill them or put them far far far away. I like a repeling method better though because then we don’t have to deal with them at all! Marigolds and basil have been my best friends when it comes to repeling hornworms. I’ve planted these guys in and around my tomatoes for the last several years and I think I’ve seen 1 or 2 hornworms the entire time! If you’re wondering what the white things are in my second photos of the hornworm, they are wasp eggs. There are predatory wasps that come around and lay their eggs in the hornworms. It’s a weird/cool thing to see how the circle of life happens in this way. We felt bad for the hornworms but hey, the wasps just want to live too, right?!
Herb Companion Plants for Tomatoes
- Basil: This is my go-to herb that I’ve been planting between my tomatoes for several years. It helps to repel hornworms that will eat up all your tomato plant. Basil also helps attract predatory wasps that will lay their eggs inside the hornworm, which kills the hornworm and saves your tomato plant.
- Oregano: This is another natural pest repellent and also attracts beneficial insects like bees and ladybugs.
- Thyme: This herb helps enhance the flavor of tomato and deters some pests (like cabbage worms that don’t directly harm tomatoes but you still don’t want them wondering about your garden, eating all your broccoli).

Flower Companion Plants for Tomatoes
- Marigolds: Along with basil, marigolds have had a place next to my tomatoes for several years. Before I knew about companion planting, I have such a big issue with hornworms eating my tomatoes. When I added basil and marigols, I saw very few! They totally saved my tomatoes. Marigolds are known to repel hornworms, aphids, and other pests with their strong smell.
- Nasturtium: This plant will act as a trap plant and attract aphids and other insects that might otherwise go toward your tomatoes. You’re essentially offering this pretty plant up to save your tomatoes! Plus, I love to look at the nasturtium leaves and flowers! They’re so pretty.
- Calendula: Known to attract beneficial insects like ladybugs and lacewings, that help keep other pests under control. Calendula is also a powerhouse herb you can dry and make into amazing skincare products like Calendula infused Coconut Oil

Veggie Companion Plants for Tomatoes
- Garlic & Onions: These stinky plants help repel harmful insects away from other plants, including tomatoes.
- Lettuce & Spinach: These low growing plants love partial shade which makes them a great companion plant to put under tall tomatoes. They help reduce the pressure of weeds growing around the tomatoes.
Plants to Avoid Planting Next to Tomatoes
- Fennel: This herb is known to inhibit the grown of some garden veggies, including tomatoes so it’s best to give that it’s own space.
- Other nightshade plants like potatoes, peppers, eggplants, etc: It’s best not to plant other nightshade veggies near your tomatoes because they all share the same disease vulnerabilities which means if one of your plants gets blight or another common nightshade disease, they will easily spread to the other nightshades and your whole crop could be ruined. Same goes for harmful insects. Planting multiple nightshades together makes it more likely to have an insect infestation that would be difficult to get rid of. They would also compete for water and similar nutrients.
These certainly aren’t exhaustive lists but they will get you started on the right foot when it comes to your tomatoes. I love companion planting because of all the natural benefits that come along with it as well as the look of a full and colorful garden. If I missed any of your favorite tomato companion plants, comment below and tell me!