A Better Way to Seal your Backyard Chicken Coop
Have you spent hours on the internet trying to find the best way to Seal Your Chicken Coop? ME TOO! It is crazy the amount of time I have poured into just researching stuff and trying to find out what would be the best way of doing things. I wanted to use something that was safe for my chickens and…
How To Raise Friendly Chickens And The BEST Breeds
A friendly chicken is the best! I know, I know… we think we are getting chickens to have eggs. But once you have these little mini dinosaurs following you around, talking to you, sitting next to you, and just being cute as anything – your mind changes on the reasons why you want chickens! Raising them to be friendly chickens…
I am in Love with my Remodeled Chicken Coop
I am in love with my refurbished chicken coop! I had wanted chickens so badly. But I wasn’t really sure where to start. I kept struggling with two main factors. One was the idea of spending a huge amount of money on buying a coop. They are so expensive. And two, building one would be cheaper, but I kept thinking…
How to Make Your Own Seed Starting Mix
You have your seeds, you have planned your garden, and now it is time to get your Seed Starting Mix put together. I have had such a fun time starting seeds. There is something so gratifying about planting a seed and then watching it become a plant in just a few days. Creating your own seed starting mix is super…
How to Build a Feeder for your Chicken Coop
After fixing up the chicken coop that was given to me I knew I wanted a small chicken feeder. And I didn’t want to fill it up with huge items. I free-range my girls but there are parts of the day when they are in their run and there is no getting around it. For the most part, the chickens…
How to Plant Turmeric In a Raised Bed or Container
Have you ever wanted to plant turmeric? There are so many amazing health benefits of turmeric but even more importantly, it makes your food taste delicious!! It makes such a great edition to add to your arsenal! When my sister started to suffer from chronic pain due to her auto-immune issues I began looking into all the different ways out…
Brown Sugar is so Simple to Make – Try It and See!
Brown Sugar is a huge staple in my home. We are cookie lovers! haha, When I read all the crazy chemicals used in plastics I started to shift my family away from using anything that was wrapped or contained in plastic. I was so surprised by how much plastic we actually used I had never given it any thought. After…
Fig Leaf Tea – It’s Healthy and it Tastes Amazing!
Fig leaf Tea is so amazing! When we moved into our house we had a Brown Turkey Fig Tree in our yard. I was so excited about the tasty little fruits that blessed us in the spring. But I had no idea how amazing the leaves were until a couple of years later when I was reading about how plants…
Build this Easy Composting Bin Made of Hardware Cloth
Adding a composting bin is such an amazing asset to any garden or homestead. There are so many benefits. One of the biggest of course is to help with the garden. Compost helps you bring in natural nutrients to help enrich your soil. But there are so many other reasons. Compost help introduces microorganisms such as fungi and bacteria to…
Produce More and Save Money – Shop Your Zone
Have you ever been told to shop your zone? When I first heard this I was like what the heck is a zone!? haha But in the plant world zones are super important. They give you a great indication of what plants will thrive in your area depending on how far or close you are to the equator. I live…