Review of GroVia All in One Newborn Cloth Diapers
We’ve been using the Newborn All-In-One Grovia Cloth Diapers for 6 weeks now and we love them! My daughter was born at 8lbs 14oz but by the time we got home she had lost almost a whole pound (yeah, we had a slight weight issue), so she wore them as a 7lb 14oz baby and is about 9lbs and is…
Rosemary Who? Try this Amazing Prime Rib Roast Recipe
This year, my nephew was telling me he would be cooking a prime rib roast for my sister and her kids at their little family get-together. He told me they were on sale and I was intrigued. I have never had a prime roast. Ribeyes – yes. We are a huge steak-eating family. But I have never had it in…
Easy Berry Bars Everyone Will LOVE
Last summer I shared this DELICIOUS recipe for my black raspberry berry bars. They were so good and I will be making them again this summer when the black raspberries are in season. They’re my favorite kind of berry…or fruit…or maybe food…so I always enjoy the few weeks a year when they’re fresh. In the meantime, I tried the same…
How to Make Mini Blueberry Pies
About a month ago, we picked and froze about 20 pounds of blueberries after a fun blueberry-picking adventure on our trip to Michigan. Yesterday, my daughter and I grabbed two of our premeasured bags out of the freezer, let them thaw for a couple of hours, and made Mini Blueberry Pies! It was a lot of fun and of course,…
Brown Sugar is so Simple to Make – Try It and See!
Brown Sugar is a huge staple in my home. We are cookie lovers! haha, When I read all the crazy chemicals used in plastics I started to shift my family away from using anything that was wrapped or contained in plastic. I was so surprised by how much plastic we actually used I had never given it any thought. After…
Easy Spicy Peach Salsa Recipe with Fresh Michigan Peaches
As a kid, I used to go up to a lake house in Michigan with some family friends every year. I hadn’t ever gone peach picking until we went back a couple of weeks ago! We picked peaches and blueberries while we were there. With the peaches, I made peach cobbler and this awesome spicy peach salsa. Can you believe…
Easy Three Ingredient Low Sugar Thimbleberry Jam Recipe
Thimbleberries only grow in a few places and their season is pretty short. We are lucky enough to find some every year when we visit Upper Michigan! This Low Sugar Thimbleberry Jam Recipe is SO easy but different from others I’ve seen. The recipes I’ve seen online are all 1 to 1 ratios of berries and sugar. Holy crap that’s…
Homemade Tortillas have quickly become a Family Favorite around here!
Who doesn’t love a homemade tortilla!?? I know my world would not be complete without tortillas. Mexican food is my favorite!! Most everyone in my family loves it as well. The only picky one is my oldest daughter. But when I am making these for everyone – it is simple enough to press a couple out and make her some…
Homemade Hot Pockets your Whole Family will Love!
When I told my girls we were going to start eating less processed foods and get away from foods wrapped in plastics one of the biggest upsets was the thought that we would never have hot pockets as a simple snack again! YUP… it was devastating news to all of us! For them, they loved the way they tasted. For…