The Best 3 Montessori Volcano Activities
In the Montessori world, Volcano Activities are a big deal toward the beginning of the year. In the elementary classroom, we give the 1st Great Lesson at the beginning of the year and that opens the door to many different key areas of study such as space, geology, the periodic table, states of matter, etc. Within those studies is the study of volcanoes because volcanoes were a huge part of our Earth’s beginning and kids get so excited to learn about them. Not to mention they are dangerous and still around today, how thrilled is that!! Use some of these fun activities to help your children explore volcanoes using all…
How to Plant Turmeric In a Raised Bed or Container
Have you ever wanted to plant turmeric? There are so many amazing health benefits of turmeric but even more importantly, it makes your food taste delicious!! It makes such a great edition to add to your arsenal! When my sister started to suffer from chronic pain due to her auto-immune issues I began looking into all the different ways out there people try to treat inflammation in their bodies. Inflammation is needed when your body has been hurt. It helps repair the root of most pain. But inflammation can bring even more pain than needed and when you have an auto-immune issue that inflammation can get out of control. When…
How to Work Self-Care in as a Homeschooling Mom
We’re finishing up our second week of homeschooling ever and some of the overwhelm is starting to set in. Between taking care of the house, working, keeping up with meal times, taking showers, prepping for schoolwork, and spending quality non-school time with our kiddos, there’s a lot on our plates moms! Don’t get me wrong, I am LOVING homeschooling so far, but today I want to share about keeping up with mental health and self-care. I know that Self-Care practices are what will keep me from getting overwhelmed and burnt out during these busy times. I hope this post is helpful for all the moms out there whether you’re a…
How to Make Mini Blueberry Pies
About a month ago, we picked and froze about 20 pounds of blueberries after a fun blueberry-picking adventure on our trip to Michigan. Yesterday, my daughter and I grabbed two of our premeasured bags out of the freezer, let them thaw for a couple of hours, and made Mini Blueberry Pies! It was a lot of fun and of course, she made her own little creations with the extra pie crust at the end. Discover even more scrumptious recipes in the From Scratch Desserts category. This post contains affiliate links. This will not cost you anything but help us offset the cost of running the blog. We only share products…
Brown Sugar is so Simple to Make – Try It and See!
Brown Sugar is a huge staple in my home. We are cookie lovers! haha, When I read all the crazy chemicals used in plastics I started to shift my family away from using anything that was wrapped or contained in plastic. I was so surprised by how much plastic we actually used I had never given it any thought. After looking through my pantry and grocery list I started to make changes to what I purchased. If it came in plastic I looked for alternatives. Brown Sugar though, had no alternatives. It was like every company that sold it put it in a thin plastic bag. So I set out…
Easy Spicy Peach Salsa Recipe with Fresh Michigan Peaches
As a kid, I used to go up to a lake house in Michigan with some family friends every year. I hadn’t ever gone peach picking until we went back a couple of weeks ago! We picked peaches and blueberries while we were there. With the peaches, I made peach cobbler and this awesome spicy peach salsa. Can you believe that was the first time I’d ever made of even EATEN cobbler?! Man, I was missing out! This recipe was adapted from a recipe my friend gave me and it got two thumbs up from everyone who tried it! If you try it let me know what you think. It…
Fig Leaf Tea – It’s Healthy and it Tastes Amazing!
Fig leaf Tea is so amazing! When we moved into our house we had a Brown Turkey Fig Tree in our yard. I was so excited about the tasty little fruits that blessed us in the spring. But I had no idea how amazing the leaves were until a couple of years later when I was reading about how plants had the power to heal. I tried my first batch of tea. I was a little hesitant because well – whoever would think this green tea would taste so amazing. But it did! I added a little sugar and it tasted like butterscotch to me. I was in heaven! Honey…
Build this Easy Composting Bin Made of Hardware Cloth
Adding a composting bin is such an amazing asset to any garden or homestead. There are so many benefits. One of the biggest of course is to help with the garden. Compost helps you bring in natural nutrients to help enrich your soil. But there are so many other reasons. Compost help introduces microorganisms such as fungi and bacteria to your soil through decomposing material. I know… we all think these things are what we need to stay away from. We have been brought up thinking of bacteria as bad. But there are beneficial bacterias that are important to the soil’s ecological environment. These bacterias do jobs like fixing your…
The Best Galaxy Activities for Your Homeschool and Classroom
I’m wrapping up my space camp series today with some of my FAVORITE Galaxy Activities from the week of camp! We did some exploring about stars, talked about what makes up our galaxy, and made rockets to blast off! If you haven’t checked out my other two posts about some of the activities we did this summer during space camp make sure to take a look:• Planets Activities & Crafts• Moon Activities & Crafts This post contains affiliate links. This will not cost you anything but will help us offset the cost of running the blog. We only share products we use or would recommend to a friend. Thank you…
Top 4 Montessori Homeschool Resources for the New Homeschooler
When you’re taking on a new homeschooling year there are many things to consider. It can feel overwhelming and nerve-wracking to think about everything all at once. This will be my 4th year teaching Montessori but my first year homeschooling, so I feel a bit lost. Here are my top 4 Homeschool Resources that have been the most helpful to me. These resources have helped ease my anxiety about doing everything right with my daughter this school year. I hope they help you too! This post contains affiliate links. This will not cost you anything but will help us offset the cost of running the blog. We only share products…